In the first week of August about 25 years ago, Daniel paid to fly into a spot on the Tikchik River to trout fish.  While he was taking a break to eat a snack, he saw a dark figure in the willows, thinking it was a bear.  He grabbed his .480 Ruger and began to scan the trees to spot the bear and look for cubs.  To scare off the bear, he let out a scream and fired a shot.

As he continued to scan the willow trees, he heard movement as he felt like he was being watched about 20 yards from the tree line.  He let off another shot, where he then heard the boat in the distance coming his way to pick him up.  As he climbed back down the bank towards the river, he saw a pitch-black Hairy Man off to the right off the bank.  As he's waiting for the boat, he heard it run towards him, crashing through the trees like a freight train, but stopped suddenly about 25 yards from him, where he saw it, standing 10' tall.

Once the skiff arrived, one of the other customers jumped out to help him thinking there was a bear, but quickly ran back to the boat and jumped in after he also realized it was a Sasquatch.

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