
I'm Fred Roehl, Curyung Tribal Council member from Dillingham, Alaska.

This site is dedicated to the reporting and recording of Alaskan Hairy Man encounters. This is an issue I take seriously and not lightly. I'm not going to judge anyone's encounter or offer "expert" opinions. I don't feel anyone is an expert, however there are some legitimate researchers.

I want a place for Alaskans to get information about areas they might go hunting, fishing or camping. Even if the information is not accepted by everyone, if it helps one person then it's successful. Understand that 500-2000 people go missing each year up here in Alaska. Not all are Sasquatch/Hairy Man related, however even if one is, it's too many!


Fred Roehl


Growing up in Alaska, Hairy Man encounters are not uncommon. On many occasions, I, like so many here, have experienced screams, tree shakes, rock throwing, and other such behaviors. They're part of our culture, no different than moose and bears.