
All Sasquatch and Little People encounters in Alaska

Samuel shares an encounter from 1969 when running a skiff at the Red Devil mine off the Kuskokwim River.

First, a quick report from three kayakers from Skilak Lake from a few days ago.

Alexi, who's in his twenties now, but had a terrifying encounter when he was ten years old and forced to protect his younger sister and brother.

A terrifying share from Donovan, from spring of 1978, who had to deal with a sasquatch attempting to snatch him from the kitchen window and continued to terrorize the family over a period of a time.

Now-retired volcanologist Lorraine shares her experience from 1973 while doing research in Katmai.  She and her colleague stopped their research and retreated back to the plane with their security guy.

Ian and his buddy share an experience from 1983 when they flew into the tundra off the Reindeer River to do some gold panning.

Charles shares his experience from inheriting a cabin from his uncle.  His uncle didn't go to the property often because of the "wild man in the woods", who became a problem for Charles.  He left the property and hasn't returned.

A share from biologist Timothy of an event that took place sixteen years ago off the Kuskokwim River with him and a group of others. Their study turned into a retreat back to the cabin.

Bill, Brad, and Connie shared their experience from a would-be fun expedition day.

Vincent, a doctor, shares his terrifying experience while building a lake cabin.

Eight years ago on a halibut fishing trip, Clifford and Denise had an encounter while hiking to pass time to wait out a storm front.

Out with Issac at the spot where we saw the tracks last year.

A share from Beverly who was with her sister, her two year-old son, and her sister's two teenagers who were picking berries.

First, a quick share report from an elderly couple who witnessed a road crossing yesterday morning.

A share from George and Penny who were fishing in the Nenana River when a sasquatch decided to ruin their day.

A final brief share from southeast Alaska where two guys were selling a boat and saw a sasquatch.  The older buyer of the boat knew about it and wasn't worried and knows it comes and goes every spring and fall.

A share from the Resurrection Trail, mountain biker Jefferey had a brief encounter in 2019 when he saw a sasquatch cross the trail.

A share from a Steven and Dakota who are dealing with ongoing activity not too far from where I live.

Mary shares an experience while gathering water where she thought a bear was outside and sent her grandsons to chase it off.  The village decided to come together to run the sasquatch off.

A decade ago, fishing guides Chad and Darcy had an experience they share with us that happened at Roaring Bear Lake while entertaining clients.

Todd and Alicia shared an experience from a few years ago while enjoying their passion of beachcombing in Southeast Alaska.  Sadly, they no longer beachcomb.

Carla shares her experience from ten years ago when she was walking home, from work, with her three daughters through the woods.

Twenty years ago, Sabrina and her aunt were scouting for a berry picking spot off the Denali Highway when they had an odd experience where they lost track of direction and distance.  Sabrina never picked berries again since this experience.

Also, another brief share from Scott, who reached out to me to warn about an incident by Lynx Lake while fishing in a canoe when he saw a stream of bubbles pass by when something that looked like a caveman popped up out of the water.

Grandma Jerry and Grandpa George had a terrifying hiking experience at the Resurrection Trail with the three of their grandchildren.

George's experience was later confirmed by a neighbor who previously had a sasquatch encounter.  Unfortunately, George and Jerry no longer hike the Resurrection Trail, where they've hiked together for many years.

Steven, an avid hunter, joined his pilot friend on a multi-week hunting trip in the Brooks Range.

Cliff and Sylvester share their experience while staying at a cabin after kayaking at Skilak Lake near Bear Mountain in 2019.  The following year, Sylvester had another incident and decided to leave Alaska and move back to the lower 48, even quitting his high-paying construction job.

Eight years ago off the Kuskokwim River near an area named the Devil's Elbow, Toby had an encounter while on a trip to assist wildlife biologists with research.  This encounter was shared by Toby's cousin.

Charter pilot Douglas shares an incident from the 1980s while waiting for mechanics after he was forced to land his plane at a remote airstrip due to some engine trouble.  When Douglas shared the incident with his boss, his boss told him he saw one some years prior.

A share from Brad about his terrifying encounter that took place about a decade ago while riding his dirt bike.

In memory of Tom, co-host of the "Creek Devil" channel. 

Dillon, Christina, and their dog Rizzo had an experience while on a vacation near the Yukon River.  Rizzo was trying to alert them of what they initially thought was a bear.  This incident caused them to leave Alaska.

A share from Judy, now an elder, of an incident that took place in 1996 during a hunting party with five family members.