A share from Jack and Eric, where they had an experience three years ago while caribou hunting off the Maclaren River.  Jack was aware of the Hairy Man, but still was a skeptic.

The first morning, they were scouting a game trail during low visibility from the fog when they heard movement ahead, with both thinking it was a bull moose.  When they stopped to rest, Eric saw something with arms moving back and forth in the fog.  As they move forward, it stays out of visible distance while keeping with their pace.  Jack makes the decision to stop and wait out the fog for a few hours.

They caught a horrible smell while moving towards the caribou, and then Eric again caught movement in the alders and saw a Sasquatch peak his head over the top.  Eric told Jack what he saw, and Jack didn't buy it, even though he saw how serious Eric was.

They split up to flank the alders when they heard something crashing through the trees running away.  They rejoin on the trail and continue forward when they heard a grunt noise coming from the alders, and then a return grunt from the other direction.  Jack then asks Eric again what he saw through is scope previously, and he gave detailed description.  After the grunts, they decided to head back.

As they stop for a break, Eric sees it again through his scope.  Jack didn't get eyes on it, but did see movement.  They decide to keep moving down the trail, with greater motivation.

Once back at camp, they began to pack up.  Jack confirms again what Eric saw, and after deciding whether or not to leave, they decided to continue towards Tyone Creek and track caribou, thinking they left whatever was moving and grunting behind.  That night at their spike camp, they heard a screams off in the distance, and both decided to head out the next morning.

The next morning before light, they heard the scream again, and more concerning, it originated from where they have to hike to get to their kayaks.  Once back in their kayaks, as they're paddling, they see something dark jump into the grass.  They then heard some type of chatter, even over the water and splashing.

Eric saw something in the grass and decided to fire a shot.  As they were paddling, both continued to hear movement keeping pace with their kayaks.  After paddling for miles, they came back around a bend to where they had a previous spike camp and decided to take a break there. 

Eric took a nap first, while Jack kept watch.  In the grass, they heard movement behind them in the distance.  Jack sees a dark spot in the grass through his scope, but when Eric wakes up, they decide to continue head up the river.

As they're paddling, they began to hear thrashing off to their right.  Eric let out a few shots, telling Jack they're being followed.  At this point, Jack still hadn't seen what Eric had.  They continue paddling, and decide to take a break while in their kayaks when Jack finally saw a Sasquatch off the river bank stand up, approximately 12'.  Jack no longer hunts in that area, and as typical with encounters, Eric and Jack are no longer close.

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