Walter, Bernice, and their son Michael were on the Taylor Highway a few weeks ago near the Mosquito Fork.  When they were coming upon a bridge, they thought they saw three people crossing over, but it looked like they had tails.  Once they were closer, they saw the height of the sign on the bridge and determined those people were around 9' tall.

They crossed the bridge and turned the truck around to get a look down below, where they saw someone moving in and out of the trees, peeking at them up on the bridge.  They were taken back by how dark the creature was, and Michael grabs his rifle and hops out to scope over the bridge.

As Michael is in position leaning against the bridge's guardrail, his father lays on the horn and startles him.  He jumps up and goes over to the truck and his dad is pointing to the other side of the bridge.  He looks and there's a 9' tall Sasquatch doing a "rock-a-bye baby" motion with it's arms.  Walter said he felt like he was having heart issues from the shock, and Bernice was crying and on the verge of a breakdown.  Then it started smiling, and that's when Michael started crying.

Michael jumps back in the truck and shakes his dad out of his frozen state to start driving.  Michael then decides they should get pictures for proof, so he gets his dad to stop and turn the truck around on the small road and get a good vantage point.  When they tried to take a picture, the camera and phone batteries were dead, but they still wanted to figure out how to get a picture, so they rolled closer.  As they're crossing the bridge slowly with their 16' hauler behind the truck, they didn't see anything, so Michael hops out with his rifle to get a better look for a picture as his mother objected.  Michael was determined to get a better look.

As Michael approached the edge of the guardrail, they still didn't see anything, as Walter wanted him to get back in the truck. Michael jumped out and went to the other side of the truck, as his father had the window down asking him to get back in and continue on, he moves closer to the guard rail to look down.  He suddenly turned around and dashed back to the truck yelling "go go go", when rocks started hitting their hauler.

As Michael is telling his father to go, they see one up ahead, with a tail flopping from side to side, holding a bolder with a posture that seemed to dare them to move closer.  Michael let off a shot from his rifle, and that scared the creature off and gave them an opening to leave.

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