Betty and John were house sitting for some friends, who were on vacation, to help protect their property during an ongoing theft problem in their area.  They brought their RV and wedged it into the driveway and planned to camp in it while their friends were away.

Early on they heard a gurgling sound and hurried back to the camper, and the sound went away.  As they were about to watch a movie, they heard a loud intense scream that shook their camper and dropped them to the floor.  John retrieves his firearm and heads outside to look around.  With the breaking spring, he noticed the deep impressions in the moist ground heading from the RV into the woods.

John followed the tracks into the woods with his flashlight as his wife cautions him to be alert.  He then sees a large block-like "Fred Flinstone" print with six distinct toes, making the hair on his neck stand up as he felt he was being watched.

He backtracked to the trailer to his irate wife who wasn't happy he left her alone and wandering off into possible danger after they heard that loud scream.  The discussed leaving, but opted to stay to keep their agreement with their friends.  They made coffee to stay up later past their bedtime, and John decided to take a look outside before they decided to head to bed, again, to objections from his wife.

As he's walking, he realizes when he steps, there's sound from another step in sync with his, and he tested it by faking a step, causing the crunch from the step of whatever was tracking him to give up its location on the other side of the truck.  He looks and in the dark he can see the shoulder and the top of its head.

In shock, he drops his flashlight and begins to shoot in the air with the purpose of scaring it off, which it does as it scurries back into the trees.  A startled Betty continues to lay into John and it's time to stop, but John wants to continue, and with the mix of emotions, adrenaline, and the fear, they argue.

John reloads more ammo and goes back outside, kills the generator, comes back inside with the flashlight off, and he's on watch as Betty is laying in bed furious.  John was driven to identify exactly what he saw.

As he waits, he's concocting a strategy of what to do if he sees one as his wife continues to furiously object to not leaving.  As he zones out while waiting, he taps his pistol against the door when suddenly there's a huge bang on the RV, causing him to drop his flashlight.  As he searches for the flashlight, Betty continues to scold him, but he continues to object.

The door was crumpled in, so he kicks open the door, exits and looks around, and when he's about 10' away from the RV, he catches eye shine in the trees and hears noises, so he turns around and heads back to the RV, where he sees the top of a head on the opposite side.  He jumps back in and tries to locate it so his wife can see, even though she wasn't interested at that point.

He dropped his gun and is trying to find it, he looks out the window as a face moves past the window.  The face had big eyes, flat face, and pronounced cheek bones, with skin somewhat like a gray with tan buck hide.

The RV shakes, and his wife had a grip on his hand from fear.  He finds the gun and exits the RV while trembling, then jumps in the truck (that pulls the RV) and pulls forward to turn it around and calls for his wife to come to the truck as he's lifting the RV to unhitch.  As he and Betty are arguing, they heard another roar at the moment he was fully unhitched.  He jumps back in the truck and they take off.

The two are no longer married, as this experience caused them to eventually split.

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