A share from a relative (R) and his friend (RF) that took place off the Nushagak River near Henry's Slough while moose hunting.  After spotting a bull from the water, they anchor their skiff and climb the bank, where they hear noise coming from another direction they assumed to be another bull.  They decided to wait to increase the chances they both could drop one.

They come to a point where they wait to take a shot, and as they're waiting, the noise from the other direction stopped.  The two discuss taking the shot on the one they've seen, but if they do, they risk scaring off the other.  They agree that RF will go spot the one they haven't yet seen, while R takes his shot.

His friend goes to spot the unseen bull, but returns because he couldn't see it.  R was confused why he had trouble because moose antlers are easy to see, changing their concern to it possibly being a bear.

As they're focusing towards what they now assume is a bear, they notice the bull moose they were previously spotting is also focused on the same area, so R takes a clean shot and drops it.  They locate the moose and began discussing how they're going to process it when they heard a grunt from another location.  They thought it could be a bear and didn't want it to charge them, so they decided to first get eyes on it before continuing with the moose.

As they approach the area where they heard the grunt, they saw brown movement near where they dropped the moose.  They track back to the moose, and past it there was movement inside the willows, still no visible antlers.  RF continues to use his scope to locate the animal, but still can't see it.  R then looks through his scope and he sees a human-like face, but it suddenly moved.  He saw an eye that was all black with no white, which startled him.

R realizes it's a Hairy Man, and as they back off, they hear another guttural sound, that started low and rose to ear-piercing loud, followed by thrashing in the trees.  They head back towards the skiff, but realize they still need to get their moose.  Once they were back below the bank, the trashing sounds stopped.

RF looks back over the bank but can't locate the moose, which was less than 20 yards from the bank.  The don't see the antlers, but see drag marks and part of the moose inside the willows.  They run back towards the moose, and one of its front legs was ripped off and missing.

RF fires a shot, prompting more trashing in the trees that began to approach their location.  As R is reloading, the sound stops, and the creature stands up to full height, around 12' tall, and gave them a "you really want to shoot at me?" look.  They turn around and dart back toward the skiff, pull the anchor, and make their way down the slough.

With the low water, they make their way to the other side of the island where they previously portaged and anchored to see if they could salvage any of their moose.  About 15' in, they were met with a deafening scream that was so loud, when they later met someone further away on the beach asked them if they heard that scream.

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