Jesse, a cannery worker from Dillingham, would go fishing at Silver Salmon Creek in his off time.  On the second day of his camping trip, as he was cooking, he kept hearing a noise off in the distance he thought was a stray dog.  Once he realized it wasn't a dog, he figured it could be a bear, but it wasn't close enough to him to be a threat wasn't worried.

He left his spike camp to do some more fishing when he noticed it fell very quiet.  Across the creek, he saw a brown lump and thought it was the bear he heard earlier.  He hiked back to his camp, where he then noticed impressions in the ground.  The leftovers from his earlier lunch were picked through and he noticed finger impressions in the oil.

He figured it was his friends from the cannery playing a joke on him, as they knew where he'd be camping, but he wasn't finding any boot impressions in the ground.  He felt like he was being watched and decided to relocate his camp.  At the new camp, he began to hear a grunt-like sound from across the creek that unnerved him.  He began to feel panicked and as if he was being watched.

Across the creek, he saw something dark brown moving next to a tree.  He grabbed his binoculars to get a visual on it, but then began to hear noises far behind him.  He turned his attention to the noise, didn't see anything, but still had the paranoid feeling of being watched.  He began to make some noise in hopes to scare off anything that may be near.  He then began to hear bi-pedal steps crunching towards him, presumably a bear.

He went back to camp to pack up to then head to Aleknagik Road, while continuing to hear the steps walking towards him.  He thought someone was stalking him.  As he packed up, still in fear, it suddenly went quiet.  He looked around and noticed the dark spot near the tree was gone.  He stopped to adjust something on his boot while alertly glancing around, and then continued walking towards the road.  Suddenly, he was stopped frozen in his tracks overcome with fear.

As he tried to move to shake off the fear, he looked across the creek and saw a Sasquatch approximately 9' tall.  It had an old-man's beard, and he initially thought it was an old trapper.  He said hello to it, and it walked into the woods.  He realized it was walking along side him, so he headed back to his previous camp to give it time to pass and to collect the few items he left due to his quick panicked packing.

When he headed back to the road, he didn't see any tracks and decided to move faster while still in a panic.  When he was close enough to the road to hear a car, he tripped and fell, and items spilled out of his backpack.  As he collected his things, he looked back and saw the Sasquatch standing near a tree watching him with a look of "what are you waiting on?"  He finally made it to the road, and the car that picked him up happened to be local law enforcement.

He said he was panicked because he saw a bear.

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