I filmed this share up near Hatcher Pass off the Little Susitna River.

Two years ago on the outskirts of Fairbanks, Jesse and Monica bought a caribou cabin to fix up as a starter house.  The insulation was completed and they were ready to install the wood stove, so Jesse had his friend help him and planned to have it ready and working by the time Monica was home from work.

With the stove inside the cabin, they were installing it as Monica was almost home.  As Jesse and his friend are finalizing the installation, they begin to hear a loud "click", described as crisp and snappy.  They thought it was likely something wrong with the cabin, as it had a consistent rhythm and seemed to originate from the cabin itself, even though the insulation was installed.

As darkness fell, they continued to search for the origin of the click, and when Monica heard it, she instantly got the creeps and knew something was not right.  She began to look outside through the window with the flashlight when she eventually saw movement.  She backed away from the window startled, but Jesse assured her it was probably a bear.  Meanwhile, the clicking continued every couple of seconds for about twenty minutes.

Jesse finally grabbed his gun and flashlight and headed outside to inspect around the cabin.  He knelt down to look under the cabin, saw nothing, but when he panned his beam at treeline he caught a glimpse of eye shine and called out for whatever it was to show itself.  He beamed the treeline again and saw nothing, but heard movement and figured it was a bear he spooked.  He went back inside the cabin and continued to finish the stove, and at this point, the clicking stopped.

Jesse realized he needed his friend's help again, who had already left at this point, to help move the heavy fuel drums sitting down the driveway to the cabin.  He called his friend who said he'd head back in a little while.

Monica began to set up the shelving for the pantry when the clicking started again, and this time they could tell it was originating outside.  She grabbed the flashlight to beam out the window and saw a dark figure and frantically tells Jesse there's a man in the woods.

Jesse grabbed his flashlight and gun and headed outside, yelling towards the man to let him know he's on private property and needs to leave, assuming it's a vagrant.  At this point, Monica instantly felt nauseous, agitated, sick to her stomach, and very uncomfortable.  Jesse received no response, and the clicking continued and he could tell it's originating from where Monica saw the figure.

He continued towards the treeline, yelling he needs to show himself, but still no response.  About 10' inside the treeline, he saw movement and a birch tree swaying.  Suddenly, he saw a hand grab the birch tree and snap it in half.  The snap was so loud that it shook him to his core.  He immediately ran back inside to call his friend, with Monica asking him about the sound, as she also heard it.

He called his friend who said he was about a half hour away.  Monica decided it's time to leave and told Jesse he can't stay, but they decide to wait up the road for Jesse's friend.  As they headed to the car, with Monica two steps ahead of him, and with him holding the lamp, he told her to stop because he heard the clicking coming from the trees.  He then realized the car keys were sitting on the table, so he headed back to the cabin as Monica is sat in the car.  As he grabbed the keys, something caught his eye from outside, but didn't see anything when he beamed his flashlight.  He then heard a blood-curdling scream from Monica.

He darted back to the car and asked her what she saw, and she just pointed, but he didn't see anything as the clicking sound continued.  She told him it was standing in the open as he was beaming the flashlight.  She said it was a big silhouette with eye shine looking at her, and then at him, but it turned around and walked back into the treeline as Jesse came outside.

As they were about to leave, Jesse tells her he'll stay and wait for his friend, but she tries to convince him to leave with her.  Jesse convinced her otherwise, and once Monica started up the car and flipped on the lights, they saw two sets of eye shine in the trees that quickly ducked out of view.  Monica frantically spun the car around and head up the road, causing damage to the car.

While parked up the road to wait for his friend, he stepped out of the car to call him and have a smoke.  His friend said he was five minutes away, so he told Monica to leave and he'll wait.  She agreed and left.

While waiting, he beamed his flashlight down the road and noticed a figure step into the road, and then back out.  He grabbed his gun as his friend arrived and they headed to the cabin.  As his friend turned off his car, they noticed eye shine in the distance.  His friend turned the headlights back on and the eye shine was gone.

Once inside, Jesse told his friend everything that happened, and his friend tells him it was a Sasquatch.  Jesse doesn't believe it and is certain it was a man, and points to where it was standing when it broke the birch tree.  They then headed to the tree when Jesse realizes for a man to break the tree, he'd have to be standing on a 6' stepladder, along with massive hands, and incredible strength.  The realization slapped him in the face.

Jesse locked up the cabin and they left, and it remains unfinished to this day.

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