For the first part of the video, I shot some footage of the Little Susitna River, part of Knik River by Jim Creek where Craig had gravel thrown at him, and a bridge over the Matanuska River.

Jessica shared her encounter at a park she's been to many times at Upper Hillside in Anchorage.  She was with her two dogs who all of a sudden huddled at her feet in fright as she heard something in the brush she assumed would be a bear.  When she turned back around in hopes to get a good vantage point for a picture of the bear, her dogs were so scared she had to drag them.  Once she had her expensive camera set up for the shot, she saw the Sasquatch and it screamed at her, similar to the scream caught on video by Alaskan dentist keithie6.  She turned and left her camera behind.  Her dogs ran away and she retrieved them later thanks to her having them chipped.

This is another common scenario where Alaskans have been doing outdoors activities their entire lives until one day they have an encounter.

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