Ten years ago, brothers Jim and James were working on a long term plan to build a lake cabin, much like Jacob in #35, in the Alaska interior south of Fairbanks.  Once they had their materials flow into the site, they were planned on being picked back up in a week.  When the pilot returned, he had a heavy plane and could only take one and return in a few hours after dropping off the excess cargo.  James agreed to stay and wait for them to return.

James begins to hear splashing at the lake and thinks it's a bear and grabs his camera to take some pictures.  He catches that horrific smell and a bad feeling to not continue, but he does and hears a "whoop" across the lake.  He hears crashing in the trees and decides to head back to the unfinished cabin, which was close to the trees.  He decides to eat lunch in the open tundra area and beings to hear thrashing and crashing again.  He heads to the area to check out what's making the noise and grabs his camera, and sees the Sasquatch silhouette.  As what typically happens, he's so consumed with what he's seeing that he drops his camera and gun.

He hears another whoop to distract him, and the one he was looking disappears in the trees.  He picks up his gun and camera and chases after it to get a picture.  He heard another whoop and continues down a narrow game trail.  One of the Sasquatches crosses the trail in front of him, and he grabs his camera and starts snapping pictures, but he forgot to turn his camera on.  He decides to head back to the cabin, where he found materials and equipment scattered everywhere.  He said it looked like a tornado hit.

He's pissed, and at that time the plane with his brother is landing.  When his brother landed, he tried to get him to chase after what destroyed their worksite.  As Jim is explaining to his brother why the cabin site is demolished and trying to convince him to chase after the Hairy Man, the pilot realizes what's going on talks them into getting into the plane and leaving the site for a few weeks.  They didn't return for two years and eventually finishing their project.

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