Two shares, the first a retired fish and game biologist that had an experience ten years ago off the Mulchatna river while gathering data on salmon with three others, where they realized what they at first thought was a person exiting the freezing cold river was a Sasquatch they estimated to be over 10'.  They later met up with a group of observers who didn't believe them at first, but did later after they had an encounter, topped off with screams.  When both groups tried to relay their experiences to a fish and game trooper, they fell on deaf ears.

The second share is a story from over twenty years ago from an elder about the "Mulchatna screamer" involving a gold panner named Albert.  After he returned from gathering dirt up the river, he found his camp a mess.  When he began to be barraged by screams and foot stomping from multiple points of origin, he began to gather up his equipment and navigate his skiff, which was unsecured because something broke the anchor line.  The final hurdle was a tree dropped right in front of his skiff that damaged his outboard propeller.

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