Imitation Animal Sounds

While enjoying time with cousins on a river in the Bristol Bay area in the mid 1990s, Jessie shares their experience while not only trying to retreat back to the skiff after encountering a Hairy Man, but dealing with an intoxicated cousin during the ordeal.

Joshua, his wife Candace, and his friend Tim shared their experience while camping during a float trip on the Maclaren River.

David shares his experience from 40 years ago, when he was 10 years old, while checking up on his grandfather's remote cabin with his uncle.  At the cabin, they were surrounded by sasquatch terrorizing them as his uncle fended them off during the night.  In the past, his grandfather (his uncle's father) told them about the issues he had with the sasquatch and why he never enjoyed his time at the cabin.

Samuel shares an encounter from 1969 when running a skiff at the Red Devil mine off the Kuskokwim River.

Ian and his buddy share an experience from 1983 when they flew into the tundra off the Reindeer River to do some gold panning.

Out with Issac at the spot where we saw the tracks last year.

A share from Beverly who was with her sister, her two year-old son, and her sister's two teenagers who were picking berries.

First, a quick share report from an elderly couple who witnessed a road crossing yesterday morning.

A share from George and Penny who were fishing in the Nenana River when a sasquatch decided to ruin their day.

A final brief share from southeast Alaska where two guys were selling a boat and saw a sasquatch.  The older buyer of the boat knew about it and wasn't worried and knows it comes and goes every spring and fall.

Sam shares his experience while on a bushcraft and hunting camping trip, also experienced with a group of friend who later joined up with him.

Back in August of 1972, Paul had an encounter he shared with us from Birches off the Yukon River with a group of guys.

From Herbie, who shares his experience from when he was ten years old a couple of years before Alaska became a state.  The incident took place near what is now Iditirod while camping with his uncle.

Bush pilot Daniel, inspired by Craig's share from the previous post, decided to share his experience with he and his friend Christopher, which took place before Craig's encounter.  Daniel's experience was much different than Craig's.

In the late 1970s, retired oilfield worker Johnathan and his then-wife were travelling down the AlCan Highway in their RV and decided to pull over at a rest stop, where a Sasquatch began to open the roof and reach into the vehicle.  With is wife hiding under the bed, Johnathan began to look for his machete to hack at the arm.  After a loud whistle in the distance, the Sasquatch attacking the RV stopped and left, along with footsteps of others who were also outside.

Two shares, the first a retired fish and game biologist that had an experience ten years ago off the Mulchatna river while gathering data on salmon with three others, where they realized what they at first thought was a person exiting the freezing cold river was a Sasquatch they estimated to be over 10'.  They later met up with a group of observers who didn't believe them at first, but did later after they had an encounter, topped off with screams.  When both groups tried to relay their experiences to a fish and game trooper, they fell on deaf ears.

Jim and his neighbor on the Kenai Peninsula thought the other was causing problems on the other's property until they saw the Sasquatch about 3 weeks ago. About a week after the sighting, outside Jim's house, it mimicked a meow that was unique to his cat that died the previous year.

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