Under Water

I recount an experience by William, an Elder, while at his cabin in Southeast Alaska back in 1978.  While fishing for crab, he was trying to scare off what he thought was a sea otter stealing his crabs by throwing rocks at it.  He left Alaska and moved to the lower 48.

Twenty years ago, Sabrina and her aunt were scouting for a berry picking spot off the Denali Highway when they had an odd experience where they lost track of direction and distance.  Sabrina never picked berries again since this experience.

Also, another brief share from Scott, who reached out to me to warn about an incident by Lynx Lake while fishing in a canoe when he saw a stream of bubbles pass by when something that looked like a caveman popped up out of the water.

I had to split this share up into two parts because of editing issues.  I recorded this at Squatchbait's house.

A week before Father's Day in 2020 near Papoose Lake, Jason and Jennifer were enjoying the outdoors with their young children when he saw something he thought was a moose in the water.  When it stood up, it wasn't a moose.  It made eye contact with the kids and they quickly exited the area.

Two shares, the first a retired fish and game biologist that had an experience ten years ago off the Mulchatna river while gathering data on salmon with three others, where they realized what they at first thought was a person exiting the freezing cold river was a Sasquatch they estimated to be over 10'.  They later met up with a group of observers who didn't believe them at first, but did later after they had an encounter, topped off with screams.  When both groups tried to relay their experiences to a fish and game trooper, they fell on deaf ears.

An encounter from Jerry who told me his story over lunch while I was in Togiak about how he and two others were chased by a Hairy Man while caribou hunting. Another common consequence of such encounters, which happened to Jerry, is those involved, regardless of how close they were, no longer communicate and drift apart. 

In 2005, an elder shared with me around the campfire this incident that took place in the late 1960s around the Kvichak River. As the elders would tell us, don't go in the woods alone, and don't whistle.

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