Berry Picking

Out with Issac at the spot where we saw the tracks last year.

A share from Beverly who was with her sister, her two year-old son, and her sister's two teenagers who were picking berries.

Twenty years ago, Sabrina and her aunt were scouting for a berry picking spot off the Denali Highway when they had an odd experience where they lost track of direction and distance.  Sabrina never picked berries again since this experience.

Also, another brief share from Scott, who reached out to me to warn about an incident by Lynx Lake while fishing in a canoe when he saw a stream of bubbles pass by when something that looked like a caveman popped up out of the water.

A share from Judy, now an elder, of an incident that took place in 1996 during a hunting party with five family members.

Thomas shared his experience with Molly off the Kuskowkim River while building a house over several seasons.

I have a phone interview with William who lived in Alaska for nineteen years.  He shares his brief experience from 2013 in Butte, and a recount from his mother-in-law, where a sasquatch was peeking in her window.

Also, a share from Cynthia, who lives in the same area of the Kuskokwim River as the berry pickers from the previous video, shares a brief experience she had ten years ago while picking berries with her grandmother.

Share from some ladies who were picking berries near the Kuskokwim River.

A share from Tina who had an experience while home from college and tasked with watching her cousins and some other kids for her grandmother, who was out of town for a doctor's visit.  While berry picking with the children, she saw a sasquatch watching them, prompting her to usher the kids back home.

It followed them home and terrorized her and the kids until help arrived.

I share some oral history from my elders, and an encounter of mine with some cousins while picking berries during the Fall of 1998.

This encounter happened to Dee, his little sister, and two of his aunts in 2017 outside of Ruby, located in the interior of Alaska off the Yukon River.  This is another encounter that demonstrates these creatures are not our friends.

This is my first video for the channel.  In my experience, they are not our friends, and in Alaska, they are more aggressive than encounters I've heard from the lower 48.

This first encounter I'm sharing happened to a cousin of mine back in 1967, and it shows how cunning and intelligent they are.  I also share another experience from two other relatives from 1994 from Bristol Bay, and another encounter up the Denali Highway.

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