Pacing or Paralleling

Years ago, Geraldine was out with her grandfather on the snow machine looking for caribou when he warned her about the Hairy Man.  About a year ago, she returned to Alaska and was out with her dog.  When she saw the sasquatch, her dog went to run after it when the peaceful forest friend picked him up and smashed him on the ground, killing him instantly.  She ran back to the village and told her neighbor, who told her son.  The son grabbed his rifle and went back out to retrieve her dog's body for burial.  For whatever reason, her pet was missing its head.

Eight years ago on a halibut fishing trip, Clifford and Denise had an encounter while hiking to pass time to wait out a storm front.

First, a quick share report from an elderly couple who witnessed a road crossing yesterday morning.

A share from George and Penny who were fishing in the Nenana River when a sasquatch decided to ruin their day.

A final brief share from southeast Alaska where two guys were selling a boat and saw a sasquatch.  The older buyer of the boat knew about it and wasn't worried and knows it comes and goes every spring and fall.

Grandma Jerry and Grandpa George had a terrifying hiking experience at the Resurrection Trail with the three of their grandchildren.

George's experience was later confirmed by a neighbor who previously had a sasquatch encounter.  Unfortunately, George and Jerry no longer hike the Resurrection Trail, where they've hiked together for many years.

Mark shares his encounter from a few years ago during the winter while collecting firewood.

Brad and his then 8-year old son both share a terrifying experience from 2004 while on a camping trip in remote Alaska.

Alan, former law enforcement from Montana, had an experience off the Little King Salmon River while on a remote fishing trip in 2019.

Former military soldiers Marcus and Davie share a terrifying experience in June of 2011 while on a fishing trip at Bristol Bay while staying at a cabin.

From the Copper River Valley, Patrick and Tina share their terrifying experience while hiking near their home.

On site at Eklutna Lake where Coloradans Douglas and Trina, had an encounter a few weeks ago.  While enjoying the camping, they heard a scream across the lake they thought could be a cougar, even though they thought it was too loud.  Soon after that, they heard another scream from the other direction that was moving towards them.  They quickly jumped into their kayaks and left.

Filming near the site where James and Deborah heard a scream and saw movement while they were in a remote area a few miles west of Nancy Lake Recreational Area last year in summer of 2021.  As they're running in fear towards the recreation area with bear spray in hand, they're being paralleled while hearing imitation owl hoots and birds.  Once they made it to a parking area and met up with a canoe group to tell them what happened, they heard loud thrashing in the trees.

Four years ago, Craig, with his wife and daughter, were four-wheeling and looking for moose trails at Jim Creek when they encountered what they first thought was a bear. Once Craig saw it was a Sasquatch after it threw a handful of gravel at him, they quickly left. Craig was ridiculed by those to whom he told of the encounter.

John, a long-time trapper, had to cut short his trapping season once he realized what was stealing from his traps. As he decided to hunker down at his remote cabin until his resupply plane came through, he was surrounded by three Sasquatches attempting to intimidate him. They failed and John instead went on offense.

Derrick shared this incident involving wolves and a Hairy Man that took place in the 1990s on the Kvichak River with him and a coworker. There are accounts of Sasquatch keeping wolves as pets or using them for some purpose. I'm gathering more information on this lesser-explored aspect of their behavior.

Eric shares his experience that occurred in 1987 northwest of Talkeetna while working on a survey project.

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