ATV, Dirt Bike, Snowmobile

Years ago, Geraldine was out with her grandfather on the snow machine looking for caribou when he warned her about the Hairy Man.  About a year ago, she returned to Alaska and was out with her dog.  When she saw the sasquatch, her dog went to run after it when the peaceful forest friend picked him up and smashed him on the ground, killing him instantly.  She ran back to the village and told her neighbor, who told her son.  The son grabbed his rifle and went back out to retrieve her dog's body for burial.  For whatever reason, her pet was missing its head.

David shares his experience from 40 years ago, when he was 10 years old, while checking up on his grandfather's remote cabin with his uncle.  At the cabin, they were surrounded by sasquatch terrorizing them as his uncle fended them off during the night.  In the past, his grandfather (his uncle's father) told them about the issues he had with the sasquatch and why he never enjoyed his time at the cabin.

A share from Brad about his terrifying encounter that took place about a decade ago while riding his dirt bike.

In memory of Tom, co-host of the "Creek Devil" channel. 

Mark was camping with his family off the Matanuska River back in 2020 when they heard a scream and loud splashing in the river.  After he saw it in the water, they had sunlight and used it to pack up camp and leave.  He has not camped since.

Four years ago, Craig, with his wife and daughter, were four-wheeling and looking for moose trails at Jim Creek when they encountered what they first thought was a bear. Once Craig saw it was a Sasquatch after it threw a handful of gravel at him, they quickly left. Craig was ridiculed by those to whom he told of the encounter.

Derrick shared this incident involving wolves and a Hairy Man that took place in the 1990s on the Kvichak River with him and a coworker. There are accounts of Sasquatch keeping wolves as pets or using them for some purpose. I'm gathering more information on this lesser-explored aspect of their behavior.

Two brothers went on a moose hunt and things didn't go as expected. This encounter highlights the inconceivable strength of these creatures when considering the weight of a moose.

This is an encounter I had while riding snowmobiles with friends back in winter of 1994.

An encounter from Jerry who told me his story over lunch while I was in Togiak about how he and two others were chased by a Hairy Man while caribou hunting. Another common consequence of such encounters, which happened to Jerry, is those involved, regardless of how close they were, no longer communicate and drift apart. 

This nightmare encounter happened to a trapper in 1984 in remote Alaska near the Yukon Delta. This is another story among thousands where aggressive Sasquatches terrorize someone in a remote cabin they could easily enter and have their way with the human prey, yet don't.

Craig and John were on a caribou hunt where they had a terrifying experience.

Ron shared his experience of a terrifying encounter on a camping trip with his young daughter that occurred south of the Denali Highway. Please note, this is one of several shares where I had audio issues.

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