
Joshua, his wife Candace, and his friend Tim shared their experience while camping during a float trip on the Maclaren River.

I recount an experience by William, an Elder, while at his cabin in Southeast Alaska back in 1978.  While fishing for crab, he was trying to scare off what he thought was a sea otter stealing his crabs by throwing rocks at it.  He left Alaska and moved to the lower 48.

First, a quick share report from an elderly couple who witnessed a road crossing yesterday morning.

A share from George and Penny who were fishing in the Nenana River when a sasquatch decided to ruin their day.

A final brief share from southeast Alaska where two guys were selling a boat and saw a sasquatch.  The older buyer of the boat knew about it and wasn't worried and knows it comes and goes every spring and fall.

A decade ago, fishing guides Chad and Darcy had an experience they share with us that happened at Roaring Bear Lake while entertaining clients.

Twenty years ago, Sabrina and her aunt were scouting for a berry picking spot off the Denali Highway when they had an odd experience where they lost track of direction and distance.  Sabrina never picked berries again since this experience.

Also, another brief share from Scott, who reached out to me to warn about an incident by Lynx Lake while fishing in a canoe when he saw a stream of bubbles pass by when something that looked like a caveman popped up out of the water.

Alan, former law enforcement from Montana, had an experience off the Little King Salmon River while on a remote fishing trip in 2019.

Ben Sr., a doctor, shares his story from Alaska in 1980 while on a camping trip with his young son Ben Jr. at Hellbent Creek.  This is an encounter where a sasquatch shows interest in a child.

Former military soldiers Marcus and Davie share a terrifying experience in June of 2011 while on a fishing trip at Bristol Bay while staying at a cabin.

Former fishing guide Brad reached out to share his experience while fly fishing with his friend Liam off the Muklung River about fifteen years ago.

Michelle shares an experience she had with her husband and their son on the Nushagak River.

I give you a demonstration on why Alaska is known as the land of the midnight sun, and a creepy encounter we had off a tributary off the Wood River.

This is a share from Caleb from an experience back in 1988 on Lake Aleknagik in Rainbow Valley.

This encounter involved a trio on the Yentna River at the end of caribou hunting season in 2019 while trout fishing.

This encounter is from Eric, a fishing guide in the Aleknagik Lake area, that happened with a client in Pike Bay. 

I share an experience by a photographer from June of 1999 at Nuyakuk Falls.  He no longer does photography in Bristol Bay.

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