
Alaska newbies Michael and Courtney share their experience while hiking Hunter Creek when they encountered a sasquatch who was stalking them at their camp site.  As they were retreating, Michael badly hurt his knee, compounding the stress of the situation.

Samuel shares an encounter from 1969 when running a skiff at the Red Devil mine off the Kuskokwim River.

Bill, Brad, and Connie shared their experience from a would-be fun expedition day.

Out with Issac at the spot where we saw the tracks last year.

A share from Beverly who was with her sister, her two year-old son, and her sister's two teenagers who were picking berries.

Todd and Alicia shared an experience from a few years ago while enjoying their passion of beachcombing in Southeast Alaska.  Sadly, they no longer beachcomb.

A share from Judy, now an elder, of an incident that took place in 1996 during a hunting party with five family members.

Tim, a former law enforcement professional, shares an experience from when he came upon two hunters who had their own encounter.

Aggie shares her experience from 1981 when she was 12-years old while watching kids in the village.

Rudolpho, originally from the Philippines, shares his experience while on a moose hunt when he lived in Alaska.

Twenty years ago, Benson and Terry were on a 10-day fishing trip off the Kuskowim River when they were stalked by the Hairy Man.

A share from Benjamin who had an encounter in 2018 off the Yukon River.

In the late 1970s, retired oilfield worker Johnathan and his then-wife were travelling down the AlCan Highway in their RV and decided to pull over at a rest stop, where a Sasquatch began to open the roof and reach into the vehicle.  With is wife hiding under the bed, Johnathan began to look for his machete to hack at the arm.  After a loud whistle in the distance, the Sasquatch attacking the RV stopped and left, along with footsteps of others who were also outside.

Michelle shares an experience she had with her husband and their son on the Nushagak River.

This is a share from Caleb from an experience back in 1988 on Lake Aleknagik in Rainbow Valley.

Here's a story of mine from my younger days back in 1984 when hiking with my older sister and her boyfriend, when I heard a distinct whistle and voices in the distance where nobody was.  I also share a scarier experience of mine of voices in the wind that happened while camping with friends in Sunshine Valley.

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