Road or Trail Crossing

David shares his experience from 40 years ago, when he was 10 years old, while checking up on his grandfather's remote cabin with his uncle.  At the cabin, they were surrounded by sasquatch terrorizing them as his uncle fended them off during the night.  In the past, his grandfather (his uncle's father) told them about the issues he had with the sasquatch and why he never enjoyed his time at the cabin.

First, a quick share report from an elderly couple who witnessed a road crossing yesterday morning.

A share from George and Penny who were fishing in the Nenana River when a sasquatch decided to ruin their day.

A final brief share from southeast Alaska where two guys were selling a boat and saw a sasquatch.  The older buyer of the boat knew about it and wasn't worried and knows it comes and goes every spring and fall.

A share from the Resurrection Trail, mountain biker Jefferey had a brief encounter in 2019 when he saw a sasquatch cross the trail.

A share from a Steven and Dakota who are dealing with ongoing activity not too far from where I live.

Mary shares an experience while gathering water where she thought a bear was outside and sent her grandsons to chase it off.  The village decided to come together to run the sasquatch off.

I have a phone interview with William who lived in Alaska for nineteen years.  He shares his brief experience from 2013 in Butte, and a recount from his mother-in-law, where a sasquatch was peeking in her window.

Also, a share from Cynthia, who lives in the same area of the Kuskokwim River as the berry pickers from the previous video, shares a brief experience she had ten years ago while picking berries with her grandmother.

On site at Hatcher Pass where Eric had an encounter at Gold Mint Trailhead with his son while teaching him some basics of hiking.  He heard a scream that sounded like someone being murdered and went to go help them, but he had a bad feeling and decided against it and to get help instead.  On the trail on the way out, he saw what was making the loud scream: a Sasquatch about 10' tall running across the trail about 15' to 20' in front of them, and into the trees.  His son was terrified, and when they met up with another group and warned them, they mocked him.

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