Vocals or Jibberish

Bernie recounts her terrible experience from 50 years ago while living alone with her dogs after the passing of her husband.

Alaska newbies Michael and Courtney share their experience while hiking Hunter Creek when they encountered a sasquatch who was stalking them at their camp site.  As they were retreating, Michael badly hurt his knee, compounding the stress of the situation.

Joshua, his wife Candace, and his friend Tim shared their experience while camping during a float trip on the Maclaren River.

Edwin shares his experience from about four or five years ago when he was exploring Alaska off Snake Lake Rd with a few fellow fishermen from work.  Chaos ensued as his friends realized what they were seeing and were trying to get Edwin to get in the car to leave, but the sasquatch seemed to have had him in some sort of trance.

Charles shares his experience from inheriting a cabin from his uncle.  His uncle didn't go to the property often because of the "wild man in the woods", who became a problem for Charles.  He left the property and hasn't returned.

Eight years ago on a halibut fishing trip, Clifford and Denise had an encounter while hiking to pass time to wait out a storm front.

Grandma Jerry and Grandpa George had a terrifying hiking experience at the Resurrection Trail with the three of their grandchildren.

George's experience was later confirmed by a neighbor who previously had a sasquatch encounter.  Unfortunately, George and Jerry no longer hike the Resurrection Trail, where they've hiked together for many years.

Steven, an avid hunter, joined his pilot friend on a multi-week hunting trip in the Brooks Range.

A share from Brad about his terrifying encounter that took place about a decade ago while riding his dirt bike.

In memory of Tom, co-host of the "Creek Devil" channel. 

Dillon, Christina, and their dog Rizzo had an experience while on a vacation near the Yukon River.  Rizzo was trying to alert them of what they initially thought was a bear.  This incident caused them to leave Alaska.

A share from Judy, now an elder, of an incident that took place in 1996 during a hunting party with five family members.

Brothers Tom and Jory share an experience from 2003 when they flew to Von Frank Mountain for a camping trip.  Tom has not returned to Alaska since this incident.

In early fall of 1995, Marty had an experience with his friend Lewis he shares with us while camping at the Wood-Tikchik Narrows. 

Two seasons ago, Cody came to Alaska to check off a bucket list item and camp at a cabin at Upper Russian Lake when he encountered a sasquatch who ruined his plans.

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