Bernie recounts her terrible experience from 50 years ago while living alone with her dogs after the passing of her husband.
Home Encounter
A terrifying share from Donovan, from spring of 1978, who had to deal with a sasquatch attempting to snatch him from the kitchen window and continued to terrorize the family over a period of a time.
After hearing the share from Suzannah from #182, Charles, an engineer, wanted to share an incident that happened over fifty years ago when a sasquatch was tapping and peeking in his children's window.
Thomas shared his experience with Molly off the Kuskowkim River while building a house over several seasons.
Suzannah, a busy nurse, shares her ongoing ordeal that started about three years ago at her home on the Kenai Peninsula. A sasquatch has been stalking and terrorizing her and a neighbor.
A share from Ariel, Jeff, and their daughter Candace from a terrifying ordeal that took place about fifteen years ago.
Jim and his neighbor on the Kenai Peninsula thought the other was causing problems on the other's property until they saw the Sasquatch about 3 weeks ago. About a week after the sighting, outside Jim's house, it mimicked a meow that was unique to his cat that died the previous year.
Two friends flew into Platinum to spend the day and encountered a sasquatch in the open tundra and chased them back to their plane.
Also a brief share from Walt who encountered a sasquatch on his property about ten years ago.
Thomas shares the rest of his experiences that occurred in 1970 in Kaltag. He also gives some very important words of wisdom.
This encounter shared by former Alaskan Don is one of the saddest I've recounted so far on this channel, especially for dog lovers. This story also supports the case that The Hairy Man is no friend of ours, and as recounted in stories all over, they have a real disdain for man's best friend.
I share an experience from the summer of 1994 up the Nushagak River involving myself and three others.