Physical Contact

A terrifying share from Donovan, from spring of 1978, who had to deal with a sasquatch attempting to snatch him from the kitchen window and continued to terrorize the family over a period of a time.

In the late 1970s, retired oilfield worker Johnathan and his then-wife were travelling down the AlCan Highway in their RV and decided to pull over at a rest stop, where a Sasquatch began to open the roof and reach into the vehicle.  With is wife hiding under the bed, Johnathan began to look for his machete to hack at the arm.  After a loud whistle in the distance, the Sasquatch attacking the RV stopped and left, along with footsteps of others who were also outside.

The continuance of the saga of Thomas. This second incident occurred several years later near the Copper River Valley.

Thomas shared this with me in 1997 and again the other day. This is part 1 of 3, and my next 2 will be the continuing of the 3 killed in 10 years "series". This first incident happened in 1961.

I share an encounter I had with a hunting guide and his client who was looking to bag a Hairy Man after an experience he had years prior. Spoiler alert: he changed his mind.

I share an experience from Eric S that occurred near Cantwell, south of the Denali Highway, with his then-fiance in late August of 2017.

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