Equipment Attack, Damage, or Theft

This nightmare encounter happened to a trapper in 1984 in remote Alaska near the Yukon Delta. This is another story among thousands where aggressive Sasquatches terrorize someone in a remote cabin they could easily enter and have their way with the human prey, yet don't.

Ron shared his experience of a terrifying encounter on a camping trip with his young daughter that occurred south of the Denali Highway. Please note, this is one of several shares where I had audio issues.

This encounter involved a trio on the Yentna River at the end of caribou hunting season in 2019 while trout fishing.

I share an experience by a photographer from June of 1999 at Nuyakuk Falls.  He no longer does photography in Bristol Bay.

I share an encounter I had with a hunting guide and his client who was looking to bag a Hairy Man after an experience he had years prior. Spoiler alert: he changed his mind.

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