
Todd and Alicia shared an experience from a few years ago while enjoying their passion of beachcombing in Southeast Alaska.  Sadly, they no longer beachcomb.

Carla shares her experience from ten years ago when she was walking home, from work, with her three daughters through the woods.

Grandma Jerry and Grandpa George had a terrifying hiking experience at the Resurrection Trail with the three of their grandchildren.

George's experience was later confirmed by a neighbor who previously had a sasquatch encounter.  Unfortunately, George and Jerry no longer hike the Resurrection Trail, where they've hiked together for many years.

Steven, an avid hunter, joined his pilot friend on a multi-week hunting trip in the Brooks Range.

Eight years ago off the Kuskokwim River near an area named the Devil's Elbow, Toby had an encounter while on a trip to assist wildlife biologists with research.  This encounter was shared by Toby's cousin.

Charter pilot Douglas shares an incident from the 1980s while waiting for mechanics after he was forced to land his plane at a remote airstrip due to some engine trouble.  When Douglas shared the incident with his boss, his boss told him he saw one some years prior.

A share from Brad about his terrifying encounter that took place about a decade ago while riding his dirt bike.

In memory of Tom, co-host of the "Creek Devil" channel. 

In early fall of 1995, Marty had an experience with his friend Lewis he shares with us while camping at the Wood-Tikchik Narrows. 

Lifelong Alaskans Ramona and Paul share an encounter from thirty years ago while camping near Lake Nerka in the Wood-Tikchik State Park.

Tim, a former law enforcement professional, shares an experience from when he came upon two hunters who had their own encounter.

Brad and his then 8-year old son both share a terrifying experience from 2004 while on a camping trip in remote Alaska.

Alan, former law enforcement from Montana, had an experience off the Little King Salmon River while on a remote fishing trip in 2019.

Michael, a doctor, shared an encounter from Juneau while on a camping trip about ten years ago with a friend.

Karen and James share an experience from ten years ago with their son off the Kashwitna River, near Anchorage.

Back in August of 1972, Paul had an encounter he shared with us from Birches off the Yukon River with a group of guys.

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