
Glen shares his experience from a sheep hunt on the Brooks Range back in the 1980s.

Paul and James, two of my cousins, had this encounter back in 2007 at Harris Creek.  These two cousins were with me during the Nushagak River Ambush encounter only a few weeks prior to this.

I share an experience from Eric S that occurred near Cantwell, south of the Denali Highway, with his then-fiance in late August of 2017.

These events occured 1998 in the Wood-Tikchik State Park in a canoe on the Aguluwok River with my friend Brian.  This area has a long history of encounters.

I share an encounter I experienced with two other relatives in 2007 on the Nushagak River.  I've shared this experience before, but I give some more detail in this video.

I share a terrifying encounter from Jason who was on a hunting trip with his two young sons in the Fall of 2021 South of the Denali Highway.

This is my first video for the channel.  In my experience, they are not our friends, and in Alaska, they are more aggressive than encounters I've heard from the lower 48.

This first encounter I'm sharing happened to a cousin of mine back in 1967, and it shows how cunning and intelligent they are.  I also share another experience from two other relatives from 1994 from Bristol Bay, and another encounter up the Denali Highway.

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