Vocals or Jibberish

Back in August of 1972, Paul had an encounter he shared with us from Birches off the Yukon River with a group of guys.

Former military soldiers Marcus and Davie share a terrifying experience in June of 2011 while on a fishing trip at Bristol Bay while staying at a cabin.

A share from Priscilla about her experience from the 1990s while working with a group involve in a salmon study on Lake Beverly in Wood Tik-Chik State Park.  She now has a fear of the woods, so much so that she can barely go by a park without worry of a sasquatch.

Former fishing guide Brad reached out to share his experience while fly fishing with his friend Liam off the Muklung River about fifteen years ago.

Craig, a bush pilot, finally shares his experience from 1983 off the Lowithla River.

From the Copper River Valley, Patrick and Tina share their terrifying experience while hiking near their home.

Dusty shared some experiences that took place when he was younger from a remote village. 

An on-site interview with Alaskan native Bill who shared his experience with us.

Mark was camping with his family off the Matanuska River back in 2020 when they heard a scream and loud splashing in the river.  After he saw it in the water, they had sunlight and used it to pack up camp and leave.  He has not camped since.

Jesse shared his encounter from May of 2022 that took place at the Granite Creek Campground on the Kenai Peninsula. Like so many who experience these encounters, his love for camping is completely ruined.

John, a long-time trapper, had to cut short his trapping season once he realized what was stealing from his traps. As he decided to hunker down at his remote cabin until his resupply plane came through, he was surrounded by three Sasquatches attempting to intimidate him. They failed and John instead went on offense.

Derrick shared this incident involving wolves and a Hairy Man that took place in the 1990s on the Kvichak River with him and a coworker. There are accounts of Sasquatch keeping wolves as pets or using them for some purpose. I'm gathering more information on this lesser-explored aspect of their behavior.

While hiking, a mother and her young son were terrorized by several Sasquatches next to Bertha Creek on the Kenai Peninsula. As her son, who was carrying their small dog, was crying and sobbing, a smaller juvenile was mimicking back his screams and cries to perfection. Sadly, her son has been severely traumatized and she's having trouble looking for some professional help from someone who'd be open minded and sympathetic to this experience. This incident happened last week in late May of 2022.

Two brothers went on a moose hunt and things didn't go as expected. This encounter highlights the inconceivable strength of these creatures when considering the weight of a moose.

Scott, Caroline, and Mark had a terrifying encounter while hiking off Skilak Lake on the Kenai Peninsula, where they were cut off on a trail, surrounded, and inspected by three Sasquatch. Thankfully, a local who alerted them was able to run to his boat and evacuate them.

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