Grunting or Growling

Off the Snake River in Dillingham, Corey shares his encounter while accompanying his friend Bob who was delivering a skiff for sale to an outfitter.

While enjoying time with cousins on a river in the Bristol Bay area in the mid 1990s, Jessie shares their experience while not only trying to retreat back to the skiff after encountering a Hairy Man, but dealing with an intoxicated cousin during the ordeal.

Alaska newbies Michael and Courtney share their experience while hiking Hunter Creek when they encountered a sasquatch who was stalking them at their camp site.  As they were retreating, Michael badly hurt his knee, compounding the stress of the situation.

A share from biologist Timothy of an event that took place sixteen years ago off the Kuskokwim River with him and a group of others. Their study turned into a retreat back to the cabin.

Out with Issac at the spot where we saw the tracks last year.

A share from Beverly who was with her sister, her two year-old son, and her sister's two teenagers who were picking berries.

A share from the Resurrection Trail, mountain biker Jefferey had a brief encounter in 2019 when he saw a sasquatch cross the trail.

A share from a Steven and Dakota who are dealing with ongoing activity not too far from where I live.

Mary shares an experience while gathering water where she thought a bear was outside and sent her grandsons to chase it off.  The village decided to come together to run the sasquatch off.

Charter pilot Douglas shares an incident from the 1980s while waiting for mechanics after he was forced to land his plane at a remote airstrip due to some engine trouble.  When Douglas shared the incident with his boss, his boss told him he saw one some years prior.

A share from Judy, now an elder, of an incident that took place in 1996 during a hunting party with five family members.

Mark shares his encounter from a few years ago during the winter while collecting firewood.

Brad and his then 8-year old son both share a terrifying experience from 2004 while on a camping trip in remote Alaska.

Rudolpho, originally from the Philippines, shares his experience while on a moose hunt when he lived in Alaska.

Bush pilot Daniel, inspired by Craig's share from the previous post, decided to share his experience with he and his friend Christopher, which took place before Craig's encounter.  Daniel's experience was much different than Craig's.

Ten years ago, Richard and Samantha were mining for Richard's uncle near Hope when they encountered the Hairy Man.

Thomas shared his experience with Molly off the Kuskowkim River while building a house over several seasons.

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