Grunting or Growling

A share from Benjamin who had an encounter in 2018 off the Yukon River.

Joe and Carl, two fur trappers, had an experience from about thirty years ago.

Duane and Roger, two friends from Anchorage, share an experience while salmon fishing.

Heavy equipment operator Colin had an experience fifteen years ago while working on a project in remote Alaska off the Yukon River.

A recent encounter from Caleb who shares what happened to him while on a moose hunt near Swede Lake.

A share from Tina who had an experience while home from college and tasked with watching her cousins and some other kids for her grandmother, who was out of town for a doctor's visit.  While berry picking with the children, she saw a sasquatch watching them, prompting her to usher the kids back home.

It followed them home and terrorized her and the kids until help arrived.

Two friends flew into Platinum to spend the day and encountered a sasquatch in the open tundra and chased them back to their plane.

Also a brief share from Walt who encountered a sasquatch on his property about ten years ago.

Alaskan park hosts leave their jobs after encountering a Hairy Man 20 years ago.  HERE IS THE VIDEO I mentioned of the dentist Keithie6 who recorded the Sasquatch screaming and throwing objects next to him while he was looking for metal.

This share is from Cheryl who was picking mushrooms with her group of retired friends last year near the Alaska Speedway. Instead of sharing mushrooms, a Hairy Man showed aggression against these three senior ladies who were clearly no threat. As typical with aftereffects of such encounters, Chery and her friends no longer hunt for mushrooms, which is something they very much enjoyed together.

A bush pilot shares another experience from remote Alaska west of Illiamna Lake.

John shared a very sad day along the Susitna River in Fall of 2021. This is another horrific story involving someone's dog, and how Sasquatch seem to use our love for them against us.

Eric shares his experience that occurred in 1987 northwest of Talkeetna while working on a survey project.

In 2005, an elder shared with me around the campfire this incident that took place in the late 1960s around the Kvichak River. As the elders would tell us, don't go in the woods alone, and don't whistle.

Craig and John were on a caribou hunt where they had a terrifying experience.

Tom and Mary shared their fish camp encounter that occurred on the shore of Nushagak Bay.

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