Bernie recounts her terrible experience from 50 years ago while living alone with her dogs after the passing of her husband.
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While enjoying time with cousins on a river in the Bristol Bay area in the mid 1990s, Jessie shares their experience while not only trying to retreat back to the skiff after encountering a Hairy Man, but dealing with an intoxicated cousin during the ordeal.
Joshua, his wife Candace, and his friend Tim shared their experience while camping during a float trip on the Maclaren River.
David shares his experience from 40 years ago, when he was 10 years old, while checking up on his grandfather's remote cabin with his uncle. At the cabin, they were surrounded by sasquatch terrorizing them as his uncle fended them off during the night. In the past, his grandfather (his uncle's father) told them about the issues he had with the sasquatch and why he never enjoyed his time at the cabin.
First, a quick report from three kayakers from Skilak Lake from a few days ago.
Alexi, who's in his twenties now, but had a terrifying encounter when he was ten years old and forced to protect his younger sister and brother.
A terrifying share from Donovan, from spring of 1978, who had to deal with a sasquatch attempting to snatch him from the kitchen window and continued to terrorize the family over a period of a time.
Now-retired volcanologist Lorraine shares her experience from 1973 while doing research in Katmai. She and her colleague stopped their research and retreated back to the plane with their security guy.
Ian and his buddy share an experience from 1983 when they flew into the tundra off the Reindeer River to do some gold panning.
A share from biologist Timothy of an event that took place sixteen years ago off the Kuskokwim River with him and a group of others. Their study turned into a retreat back to the cabin.
Bill, Brad, and Connie shared their experience from a would-be fun expedition day.
Vincent, a doctor, shares his terrifying experience while building a lake cabin.
Carla shares her experience from ten years ago when she was walking home, from work, with her three daughters through the woods.
A share from Judy, now an elder, of an incident that took place in 1996 during a hunting party with five family members.
Sam shares his experience while on a bushcraft and hunting camping trip, also experienced with a group of friend who later joined up with him.
Brad and his then 8-year old son both share a terrifying experience from 2004 while on a camping trip in remote Alaska.