Shots Fired

Alan, former law enforcement from Montana, had an experience off the Little King Salmon River while on a remote fishing trip in 2019.

Karen and James share an experience from ten years ago with their son off the Kashwitna River, near Anchorage.

Back in August of 1972, Paul had an encounter he shared with us from Birches off the Yukon River with a group of guys.

Rudolpho, originally from the Philippines, shares his experience while on a moose hunt when he lived in Alaska.

Former military soldiers Marcus and Davie share a terrifying experience in June of 2011 while on a fishing trip at Bristol Bay while staying at a cabin.

From Herbie, who shares his experience from when he was ten years old a couple of years before Alaska became a state.  The incident took place near what is now Iditirod while camping with his uncle.

Bush pilot Daniel, inspired by Craig's share from the previous post, decided to share his experience with he and his friend Christopher, which took place before Craig's encounter.  Daniel's experience was much different than Craig's.

After hearing the share from Suzannah from #182, Charles, an engineer, wanted to share an incident that happened over fifty years ago when a sasquatch was tapping and peeking in his children's window.

Suzannah, a busy nurse, shares her ongoing ordeal that started about three years ago at her home on the Kenai Peninsula.  A sasquatch has been stalking and terrorizing her and a neighbor.

A share from Ariel, Jeff, and their daughter Candace from a terrifying ordeal that took place about fifteen years ago.

Dusty shared some experiences that took place when he was younger from a remote village. 

Some ex-military guys shared an experience from last winter during a caribou hunt.

Heavy equipment operator Colin had an experience fifteen years ago while working on a project in remote Alaska off the Yukon River.

Jonah reached out to share a story about his uncle's experience at his cabin outside of Prince of Wales Island.

A recent encounter from Caleb who shares what happened to him while on a moose hunt near Swede Lake.

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