Throwing Objects

Back in August of 1972, Paul had an encounter he shared with us from Birches off the Yukon River with a group of guys.

Former military soldiers Marcus and Davie share a terrifying experience in June of 2011 while on a fishing trip at Bristol Bay while staying at a cabin.

From Herbie, who shares his experience from when he was ten years old a couple of years before Alaska became a state.  The incident took place near what is now Iditirod while camping with his uncle.

A share from Priscilla about her experience from the 1990s while working with a group involve in a salmon study on Lake Beverly in Wood Tik-Chik State Park.  She now has a fear of the woods, so much so that she can barely go by a park without worry of a sasquatch.

Former fishing guide Brad reached out to share his experience while fly fishing with his friend Liam off the Muklung River about fifteen years ago.

Bush pilot Daniel, inspired by Craig's share from the previous post, decided to share his experience with he and his friend Christopher, which took place before Craig's encounter.  Daniel's experience was much different than Craig's.

From the Copper River Valley, Patrick and Tina share their terrifying experience while hiking near their home.

Hunters Derek and Brian had an intense experience about five years ago near Cordova on a trip to check out a new property, where they also tried to do some hunting.  They left their camping gear, didn't buy the property, and never returned.

Ten years ago, Richard and Samantha were mining for Richard's uncle near Hope when they encountered the Hairy Man.

Heavy equipment operator Colin had an experience fifteen years ago while working on a project in remote Alaska off the Yukon River.

Jonah reached out to share a story about his uncle's experience at his cabin outside of Prince of Wales Island.

Two shares, the first a retired fish and game biologist that had an experience ten years ago off the Mulchatna river while gathering data on salmon with three others, where they realized what they at first thought was a person exiting the freezing cold river was a Sasquatch they estimated to be over 10'.  They later met up with a group of observers who didn't believe them at first, but did later after they had an encounter, topped off with screams.  When both groups tried to relay their experiences to a fish and game trooper, they fell on deaf ears.

Four years ago, Craig, with his wife and daughter, were four-wheeling and looking for moose trails at Jim Creek when they encountered what they first thought was a bear. Once Craig saw it was a Sasquatch after it threw a handful of gravel at him, they quickly left. Craig was ridiculed by those to whom he told of the encounter.

Jesse shared his encounter from May of 2022 that took place at the Granite Creek Campground on the Kenai Peninsula. Like so many who experience these encounters, his love for camping is completely ruined.

John, a long-time trapper, had to cut short his trapping season once he realized what was stealing from his traps. As he decided to hunker down at his remote cabin until his resupply plane came through, he was surrounded by three Sasquatches attempting to intimidate him. They failed and John instead went on offense.

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