Shares of Sasquatch Encounters in Alaska

A terrifying encounter for Monica and her two kids in a remote lodge in the Wood-Tikchik State Park.

This encounter is from Eric, a fishing guide in the Aleknagik Lake area, that happened with a client in Pike Bay. 

I share an encounter from my cousin Nicholai and a few other relatives that happened on the Nuyakuk River.

I share an experience by a photographer from June of 1999 at Nuyakuk Falls.  He no longer does photography in Bristol Bay.

I recount a story from Brandon, a winter caretaker for a remote fishing lodge in the Bristol Bay area. As these encounters often do, Brandon's easy winter job was ruined and he no longer comes to Alaska.

Here's a story of mine from my younger days back in 1984 when hiking with my older sister and her boyfriend, when I heard a distinct whistle and voices in the distance where nobody was.  I also share a scarier experience of mine of voices in the wind that happened while camping with friends in Sunshine Valley.

I share an encounter I had with a hunting guide and his client who was looking to bag a Hairy Man after an experience he had years prior. Spoiler alert: he changed his mind.

I share an experience I had in 1998 with my friend William while hunting for spruce chickens at a gravel pit off Aleknagik Lake Road.

This is a brief experience I had in early Summer of 1994 on Huckleberry Island in Lake Aleknagik.

I share an experience from Eric S that occurred near Cantwell, south of the Denali Highway, with his then-fiance in late August of 2017.

I share an encounter from mid-winter of 1982 by Johnathan, who was trapping with his brother James near Lake Illiamna, Alaska's largest lake.  Johnathan nor his brother ever returned to the area.

This encounter happened to Dee, his little sister, and two of his aunts in 2017 outside of Ruby, located in the interior of Alaska off the Yukon River.  This is another encounter that demonstrates these creatures are not our friends.

These events occured 1998 in the Wood-Tikchik State Park in a canoe on the Aguluwok River with my friend Brian.  This area has a long history of encounters.

I share an encounter I experienced with two other relatives in 2007 on the Nushagak River.  I've shared this experience before, but I give some more detail in this video.

I share a terrifying encounter from Jason who was on a hunting trip with his two young sons in the Fall of 2021 South of the Denali Highway.

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