Shares of Sasquatch Encounters in Alaska

A share from Jack and Eric, where they had an experience three years ago while caribou hunting off the Maclaren River.  Jack was aware of the Hairy Man, but still was a skeptic.

Back in 1978, Eric and a group of friend were in the Tracy Arm-Fords Terror Wilderness area of the Tongass National Forest.  During the day away from camp, they heard a scream in the distance, but figured it was an animal of some sort.  When they returned to their camp, their equipment was moved, as if someone went through their things.

In the first week of August about 25 years ago, Daniel paid to fly into a spot on the Tikchik River to trout fish.  While he was taking a break to eat a snack, he saw a dark figure in the willows, thinking it was a bear.  He grabbed his .480 Ruger and began to scan the trees to spot the bear and look for cubs.  To scare off the bear, he let out a scream and fired a shot.

A share from Ivan who had an encounter with his brother on the King Salmon River while searching for gold.  On the third night, they set up a small camp, when they heard a scream that sounded like a woman being murdered.  They went to check it out to offer help, but as they crossed the river and approached the bank, they had a realization that the source of the scream could be the Hairy Man.

Last winter, Brian headed to Delta Junction on the Richardson Highway to help a friend fix his snow machine.  Near the Gulkana River, he noticed a black dot in the snow, which would likely not be a bear at that time of year.  After helping his friend, he stayed the night and took off the next morning to head back to Anchorage.  He felt ill shortly after leaving and pulled over near the Delta River to relieve himself when he noticed a black dot dart from his left to his right, prompting him to remember seeing the same thing the previous day.

Ten years ago, a few hunters were at the Kanik Glacier on their 4-wheelers hunting moose.  They look up and saw a Sasquatch on the ridge, swaying back and forth and dropping behind the rocks.  They felt a sudden urge to leave and immediately left.  In this area, there's many, many "soft" encounters.

Retired teacher Mary had an experience with a few friends at the Kennecott Mines about 15 years ago.  After setting up camp, they decided to hike up the mountain to check out the back side.  After her friend whistled some TV theme songs, they heard the songs whistled back to them.  They called out, but no response.  As they're walking back to camp, they heard the songs whistled back again, as well as some movement.  Mary suddenly stopped and saw a Sasquatch about 10' away, standing about 9' tall.  As she let out a half-scream, she had a sudden sense of calm.

A share from Rick, who had an encounter while on a four-day backpacking trip to spread ashes of his mother in a mountain range in the Yukon that she loved.  On the first night of his camp, Sasquatches began to try to smother his campfire while he stepped away to take a leak.  He saw someone moving in the trees and thought it was a person.  He shot into the air, and as his ears were ringing, he saw the Sasquatch standing behind the tree about 30 feet away.  When he shot again, he heard two sets of footsteps running away.

I'm filming with Squatchbait from the Kings River to show the spot of Dan's encounter in 2021, where he saw a Sasquatch squatting on a log before it stood up and walked off into the brush out of view.  He followed after it to take a picture, but it was gone.

After about an hour, he packed up his camp and as he was walking out he heard whoops and felt it getting closer.  He let off some shots in the air and then began to hear thrashing in the brush.  It runs off, but as he was leaving back to his car, it paced and followed him the entire way.

A short one involving Robert, who had an experience at a hotel near Denali Park.  In the evening, something began thumping against the wall that became loud enough to wake others up in the hotel, however, nobody was willing to investigate the culprit.  Robert didn't see what was making the noise, but the fear involved was intense.

Even without being seen, Sasquatch are able to project fear into people somehow.  In Alaska, the encounters are never good.  The stories are about fear, taking women and children, and they'll eat you.

Ten years ago, brothers Jim and James were working on a long term plan to build a lake cabin, much like Jacob in #35, in the Alaska interior south of Fairbanks.  Once they had their materials flow into the site, they were planned on being picked back up in a week.  When the pilot returned, he had a heavy plane and could only take one and return in a few hours after dropping off the excess cargo.  James agreed to stay and wait for them to return.

I share an encounter from about 20 years ago from Margaret and Kyle who were picking berries when they had to leave after realizing they were being surrounded.  The Sasquatch began to throw berries at them, and when Kyle turned around, Margaret saw one about 10' to 12' tall go into the trees.  As they were backing out of the area, Kyle saw one shake a tree from side-to-side, as if it were moving it out of the way to see them.  They heard odd noises, including a language that resembled Yup'ik.

On site at Eklutna Lake where Coloradans Douglas and Trina, had an encounter a few weeks ago.  While enjoying the camping, they heard a scream across the lake they thought could be a cougar, even though they thought it was too loud.  Soon after that, they heard another scream from the other direction that was moving towards them.  They quickly jumped into their kayaks and left.

Filming near the site where James and Deborah heard a scream and saw movement while they were in a remote area a few miles west of Nancy Lake Recreational Area last year in summer of 2021.  As they're running in fear towards the recreation area with bear spray in hand, they're being paralleled while hearing imitation owl hoots and birds.  Once they made it to a parking area and met up with a canoe group to tell them what happened, they heard loud thrashing in the trees.

On site at Hatcher Pass where Eric had an encounter at Gold Mint Trailhead with his son while teaching him some basics of hiking.  He heard a scream that sounded like someone being murdered and went to go help them, but he had a bad feeling and decided against it and to get help instead.  On the trail on the way out, he saw what was making the loud scream: a Sasquatch about 10' tall running across the trail about 15' to 20' in front of them, and into the trees.  His son was terrified, and when they met up with another group and warned them, they mocked him.

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