Shares of Sasquatch Encounters in Alaska

Eric shares his experience that occurred in 1987 northwest of Talkeetna while working on a survey project.

In 2005, an elder shared with me around the campfire this incident that took place in the late 1960s around the Kvichak River. As the elders would tell us, don't go in the woods alone, and don't whistle.

This nightmare encounter happened to a trapper in 1984 in remote Alaska near the Yukon Delta. This is another story among thousands where aggressive Sasquatches terrorize someone in a remote cabin they could easily enter and have their way with the human prey, yet don't.

Janice and Scott had an unforgettable experience on a kayak trip in southeast Alaska.

Craig and John were on a caribou hunt where they had a terrifying experience.

An experience of two girls who were scammed by a fake hiking guide and ended up in a bad situation in the Wood Tik-Chik State Park. This video had some audio issues.

Ron shared his experience of a terrifying encounter on a camping trip with his young daughter that occurred south of the Denali Highway. Please note, this is one of several shares where I had audio issues.

Glen shares his experience from a sheep hunt on the Brooks Range back in the 1980s.

A few encounters shared from a bush pilot and his 40 years of flying remote Alaska. This is the first of what will be a series of his experiences.

Tom and Mary shared their fish camp encounter that occurred on the shore of Nushagak Bay.

Former cabin builder Jeff shares his story about encountering The Hairy Man while building a remote cabin for a wealthy client.  He experienced this encounter with an assistant named Art, a native gentleman from up north who had a previous encounter of his own with The Hairy Man.

This encounter shared by former Alaskan Don is one of the saddest I've recounted so far on this channel, especially for dog lovers.  This story also supports the case that The Hairy Man is no friend of ours, and as recounted in stories all over, they have a real disdain for man's best friend.

This encounter involved a trio on the Yentna River at the end of caribou hunting season in 2019 while trout fishing.

I share some oral history from my elders, and an encounter of mine with some cousins while picking berries during the Fall of 1998.

Paul and James, two of my cousins, had this encounter back in 2007 at Harris Creek.  These two cousins were with me during the Nushagak River Ambush encounter only a few weeks prior to this.

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